Early intervention programme
Who is it for?
A unique 3 hour programme that incorporates our existing one to one learning programme with its proven track record. This is paired with group sessions to foster socio-emotional development and provide vital school readiness skills for your child. Our lesson plans are developed in line with the Ministry of Education's NEL framework and are provided in a mainstream preschool setting but differentiated and personalised to suit diverse learning styles and needs.
Offered to children of neurological ages of 3 to 7 years old
Benefits children who require a smaller group learning environment
- Purposeful multi-sensory learning that is fun and engaging
- Developmentally appropriate personalised lessons
Private one to one sessions with your child's dedicated teacher, which will be personalised to their IEP as well as learning style and needs
What do you get?
Small groups to work on social and joint play skills
Larger group classes to work on school readiness skills
Playskills Mondays to allow children to play, learn, connect and grow
Regular visits from specialists to observe children and recommend activities suited to them as well to provide input to their IEPs
Option to have Speech and Occupational therapy at the centre